Friday, March 12, 2010

Roasted Carrot Soup

Another vegetarian gem -- and this one I created purely on my own, no other recipes consulted or adjusted or used as inspiration. Instead, the inspiration was the veggies!

  • Carrots, three sliced for roasting
  • 1 Potato, cubed
  • 2 small turnips, cubed (if you don't have turnips or don't want to use them, you could probably add another potato and an additional carrot or two)
  • 2 shallots, diced
  • Vegetable stock or broth (1/2-1 quart, depending on how thick you want it)
  • Cumin
  • Olive Oil
  • Curry powder
  • Salt and pepper
  1. Slice carrots for roasting - once sliced, place on a cookie sheet and drizzle with olive oil, then sprinkle salt, pepper and cumin (toss to coat evenly)
  2. Roast at 450 degrees for about 20 minutes (start checking it at 15)
  3. While the carrots are roasting, chop the other ingredients
  4. Sautee shallots in olive oil (for about 5 minutes)
  5. Add potatoes and turnips and cover with vegetable stock/broth - I only had 1/2 quart of stock, so it ended up being a thick puree, but I found I really liked it that way.
  6. Cook until tender (typically about 15)
  7. Combine ingredients in a food processor or blender (I use a blender, since I don't have a food processor) and puree. (You may need to stop and stir it around a bit to get everything to puree evenly). I recommend adding a bit more cumin as well as some curry powder during the puree process (I just add a little at a time and taste, instead of measuring).
  8. Enjoy!
As you can see from my blog, I'm really getting into soups. They are easy and a great way to use a variety of vegetables (I had never used turnips before) and you can get several meals out of one batch or freeze some for later. This makes soups great for a new mom like me.

Coming soon -- my first attempt at making curry/Indian food and a blog about stock - making your own and store bought.

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